Explore some of
the classes we offer

Each class is taught in a certain dance style
to hone dancer's skills and to have fun!

Meet Our Amazing
Dance Teachers

The creatives that make the magic happen

Keep Track of our Amazing
Upcoming Events

Stay in the loop and join us for
these events!
June 1 @ 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
2146 N Main St #532
Join us for our annual recital, where the students can present the skills they have learned

My daughter loved her first dance class. The teacher was kind and encouraging to get her out on the dance floor. Once Hannah was dancing, she was having so much fun and I loved seeing her make friends with the other kids in the class!

James Newbie


I love the staff at B2 Dance Complex! My children always have fun in Miss Skyler's class.

Patricia Anderson


The teachers are very friendly and great with my daughter, Sophia!

David Harrison